August 1989
I. Name and Objectives of the Brotherhood | 1-3 |
II. Members | 4-12 |
III. Income and Financial Administration of the Brotherhood | 13-18 |
IV. Management | 19-33 |
V. General Meetings | 34-44 |
VI. Elections | 45-59 |
VII. General Provisions | 60-67 |
VIII. Dissolution of the Brotherhood | 68-69 |
IX. Relations between the Pallaconian Brotherhood ……..and other Laconian Associations | 70-73 |
X. Constituent Parts of the Brotherhood | 74-81 |
Article 1
The people from Laconia, Greece, residing in Melbourne hereby establish a Brotherhood by the name of “Pallaconian Brotherhood of Melbourne and Victoria – Leonidas” situated in Melbourne.
Article 2
The objectives of the Brotherhood are:
- To unite all Hellenes of Laconian origin and their descendants living in Melbourne and anywhere in the State of Victoria.
- To promote and advance the moral, social and spiritual development of its members, and assist Laconians living in Victoria in strengthening relations with other associations or organisations pursuing similar goals.
- To acquire and maintain a cultural centre that may be used by the members of the Brotherhood in a number of ways.
- To provide for the social, cultural, spiritual, creative development and recreation of the families of its members in any beneficial way such as:
Lectures, exhibitions, establishing and maintaining a library and reading-room, organising art, entertainment and recreational activities.
- To publish an information bulletin, newsletter, calendars or other printed matter.
- To encourage and support any sporting or creative activities of its members and constitutional parts of the Brotherhood.
- To assist in improving and strengthening relations with Laconians anywhere for achieving the objectives of the Brotherhood.
- The contribution of the Brotherhood towards any public, national and philanthropic institution, or a patriotic or educational cause.
- The establishment of Youth, Women’s and Aged persons groups that shall be integral parts of the Brotherhood.
Article 3
- The organising of a formal annual dance which shall take place in remembrance of the fight at Thermopylae.
- The carrying out of the ceremony of breaking and blessing holy bread in memory of Blessed Nikon “του Μετανοείτε”, patron saint of the city of Sparta on the first Sunday following the 26th of November.
- A festive activity or ball on the anniversary of the Brotherhood.
- A festive activity during March in memory of those who fought for the liberation of the Hellenic Nation in 1821.
Article 4
Members of the Brotherhood shall be of four classes:
Article 5
Ordinary members: shall be all Laconians and persons having one of their ancestors or spouse of Laconian origin who live in Melbourne or in the State of Victoria, and shall have attained eighteen (18) years of age.
Extraordinary members: shall be persons of Laconian origin living outside the boundaries of Victoria.
Assisting members: may be persons wishing to participate and contribute towards the attainment of the objectives of the Brotherhood.
Honorary members: shall be declared, by resolution of the General Meeting upon recommendation of the Committee of Management, persons of any nationality who hold a prominent position in society and offer exceptional services to the Brotherhood.
Article 6
Of the four classes of members, only ordinary members shall be eligible to vote and hold office and form a quorum required for General Meetings.
Article 7
The ordinary members of the Brotherhood shall be eligible to vote and stand for office after twenty-eight (28) days have lapsed from the date of their admission to membership provided they have paid their dues to the Brotherhood.
Article 8
To become a member of the Brotherhood, a person must meet all requirements stated in Article five (5), fill out and sign the membership application form and lodge it with the secretary of the Brotherhood accompanied by the enrollment fee.
Article 9
Each ordinary member of the Brotherhood ought:
- To work with zeal and interest towards the realisation of the objectives of the Brotherhood in accordance with the provisions of the constitution, the resolutions of General Meetings, and the decisions and directions of the Committee of Management.
- To attend regular and extraordinary General Meetings.
- To comply with the provisions in this constitution and the rules of the Brotherhood.
- To respect the resolutions of General Meetings and the decisions of the Committee of Management not contravening the constitution of the Brotherhood.
- To pay their dues.
Article 10
Any person whose subscription is in arrears of more than two (2) years shall cease to be a member of the Brotherhood.
The Committee of Management shall have the right to temporarily suspend the rights of any member whose conduct and actions are prejudicial to the interests of the Brotherhood and whose conduct and actions in the community in general are contrary to and not compatible with the dignity of the Brotherhood, after the member has been given an opportunity to be heard.
The expelled member shall have the right to appeal against the decision of the Committee of Management by lodging an application in writing with the secretary of the Brotherhood not later than a month after the date of expulsion, requesting that the matter be discussed at the next General Meeting of members of the Brotherhood the decision of which shall be final.
Article 11
Any member wishing to resign should submit a written application to the secretary of the Brotherhood stating his intention to do so.
Article 12
Under no circumstances shall the Brotherhood be obliged to refund subscriptions of members or fees of candidates for elections and also donations that have been received from members or persons who resign or are expelled.
Article 13
The annual financial administration of the Brotherhood begins on the 1st of July and ends on the 30th of June of each year.
Article 14
The financial income of the Brotherhood is divided into ordinary and extraordinary:
- Ordinary income is that which comes from the subscriptions of members or from rent of fixed assets of the Brotherhood.
- Extraordinary is that income which comes from donations, raffles, dances, excursions and from any other function of the bodies or members of the Brotherhood.
Article 15
The annual subscription of ordinary, extraordinary and assisting members is fixed by the General Meeting of the Brotherhood, which must be paid in advance of the month of July of the coming financial year of the Brotherhood.
On account of respect, honorary members are relieved of any obligatory subscription.
Article 16
The Brotherhood shall have a
- common treasury for all receipts and expenses.
- The Committee of Management shall not have the right to arrange a monetary donation for whatever purpose without the decision of the General Meeting that exceeds an amount of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) annually. The Committee of Management has the right to readjust the above amount by ten percent (10%) per year.
- The Committee of Management cannot incur a loan on behalf of the Brotherhood and cannot move on sale or purchase without the agreement of two thirds (2/3) of the members of the General Meeting.
Article 17
- Persons who donate an amount greater than one hundred dollars ($100.00) are declared donors of the Brotherhood.
- Persons who donate an amount greater than five hundred dollars ($500.00) are declared benefactors.
- Persons who donate an amount greater than one thousand dollars ($1000.00) are declared great benefactors.
These amounts may be reviewed by a General Meeting of the Brotherhood.
Article 18
The full name of donors, benefactors and great benefactors with the amount of the donation of each shall be written in a special Honorary Book that will be signed by the donor and the president of the Brotherhood.
Benefactors and great benefactors are relieved of any obligatory subscription and on account of respect are granted an honorary seat at meetings.
Article 19
The Management of the Brotherhood shall comprise a fifteen (15) member Committee, the members of which shall be elected by the ordinary members of the Brotherhood every two years by secret balloting.
Article 20
The Committee of Management shall meet regularly once a month. The place and time shall be determined by the Committee. Extraordinary meetings may be held when the president deems fit, or one third (1/3) of the members of the Committee of Management demand it by requisition in writing a week earlier stating the purpose of such an extraordinary meeting.
Article 21
For a quorum to be present at the meetings of the Committee of Management, the presence of at least two thirds (2/3) of members shall be required.
Resolutions shall be made by a majority vote and be recorded in the minutes book which shall be signed by those present at the meeting, having previously been read out and approved.
When a vote is equally divided, the person presiding at the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
Article 22
The Committee of Management shall:
- Consider and decide on any matter relating to the Brotherhood.
- Release the annual report and balance sheet, present the budget and implement resolutions of the General Meeting.
Article 23
The Committee of Management shall have the right to establish interim committees consisting of Brotherhood members in order to assist the business of the Committee of Management.
At interim committee meetings there shall be at least one member of the Committee of Management, who ought to inform the Committee of Management regarding the committee’s activities.
Article 24
Members of the Committee of Management shall not be personally responsible for obligations of the Brotherhood against third parties. They shall, however, be personally responsible to the Brotherhood in respect to its management and control, and accountable to the General Meeting.
Article 25
- When a member of the Committee of Management is unjustifiably absent from three successive regular meetings, the member shall, by resolution of the Committee of Management, be removed and the vacancy filled by the next runner-up.
- Any member of the Committee of Management wishing to resign should submit their resignation in writing to the secretary of the Brotherhood.
Article 26
- In the case where one (1) or two (2) members of the Committee of Management should resign, the members shall be replaced by the next runners-up from the last preceding election.
If the runners-up refuse to be admitted to the Committee of Management the vacancies shall be filled by ordinary members of the Brotherhood.
- When more than one third (1/3) of the Committee of Management members resign, the Committee of Management should convene an Extraordinary General Meeting to replace them.
Article 27
In the case of simultaneous resignations of the majority of members of the Committee of Management, (ie., half of the number of members plus one), the Committee of Management should immediately convene an extraordinary General Meeting to appoint a new Committee of Management.
Article 28
Any member of the Committee of Management, who by unbecoming conduct or action, offends the dignity of the Brotherhood and obstructs the business of the Committee of Management repeatedly, or whose action is prejudicial to the interests and normal functioning of the Brotherhood, and refuses to comply with the president’s written advice, may be removed from office by a secret ballot of the Committee of Management. In this case, the president shall not have a second or casting vote.
Article 29
The President shall:
- Represent the Brotherhood in all affairs with the Hellenic and Australian authorities as with any other Association.
- Preside over the Committee of Management meetings, declare meetings open and closed, run meetings, grant and withdraw permission to speak to those showing inappropriate behaviour, clarify proposals and put matters to vote.
- When a vote is equally divided, the president’s vote shall prevail except in cases where this constitution rules otherwise.
- Jointly with the secretary, sign all documents concerning the affairs of the Brotherhood with official Australian, national and church authorities.
- Jointly with the treasurer or secretary sign all orders to pay and cheques payable.
- Exercise ultimate supervision of the functioning of the Brotherhood and its constituent parts. The president should inform the Committee of Management of any matter attended to and decided upon by him.
- Finally monitor the strict and precise adherence to the provisions of the constitution and internal regulations of the Brotherhood.
When the president is unable to attend or is absent, the Vice-President shall act in his stead with all rights and duties reserved by him.
Article 30
The Vice-President shall:
- Assist and represent the president in the performance of his duties without, however, being directly involved.
- In the absence of the president and Vice-President, a replacement may be chosen from the remaining members of the Committee of Management as decided by the Committee members.
Article 31
The duties and rights of the General Secretary shall be as follows:
- Keep a register of members of the Brotherhood.
- Keep the records, books, documents and securities and the seal of the Brotherhood.
- Prepare in conjunction with the president all correspondence and all documents or forms concerning the affairs of the Brotherhood with all official Australian, national and church authorities.
- Jointly with the president sign notices calling General Meetings and Committee of Management meetings, invitations and meetings, and Brotherhood announcements.
- Compile the minutes of the Committee of Management meetings and make sure that the minutes are signed by the members present at the meeting, after having been read out.
Note: Any comment made by a member of the Committee of Management or of the General Meeting shall be entered in the minute book when accepted by the majority of members.
- Jointly with the president sign any contract entered into by the Brotherhood.
- In the absence of the treasurer, jointly with the president sign all orders to pay and cheques payable.
- The register books and documents shall be available for inspection by ordinary members of the Brotherhood.
Article 32
The Treasurer shall:
- Act and see that all monies due to the Brotherhood are received.
- Issue receipts in duplicate and sign them on the president’s approval.
- Jointly with the president sign bank cheques.
- Within forty-eight (48) hours, deposit monies received, with the bank the Brotherhood is transacting with.
- Keep proper books of accounts and every two months inform the Committee of Management of the financial situation of the Brotherhood.
- At the end of each financial year, the treasurer shall present to the Auditor and to the General Meeting the Balance Sheet, statement of receipts and payments and all other documents connected with the financial activities of the Brotherhood.
- The treasurer shall be responsible for all monies in the account of the Brotherhood and for all payments made without the appropriate authorisation from the Committee of Management.
- The treasurer should furnish to the auditor, president or Committee of Management of the Brotherhood any information concerning the financial management of the Brotherhood and allow them to inspect the accounts and books.
- If the Committee of Management of the Brotherhood decides to replace the treasurer by another member, the departing treasurer should, on written instructions by the president of the Brotherhood, hand over immediately all documents, books and money in the account to his replacement by a deed signed by both and certified by the president.
- The treasurer shall keep a petty cash amount for cash expenses, which shall not exceed the amount of two hundred ($200-00) dollars.
- Whenever the treasurer is absent or unable to attend for whatever reason he shall be replaced by the assistant treasurer.
- The proper books of accounts shall be available for inspection by ordinary members by the Brotherhood.
Article 33
The Committee of Management shall have the right to employ a salaried employee for the needs of the Brotherhood.
A paid employee of the Brotherhood shall not have the right to hold office.
Article 34
The General Meeting of members shall be the supreme body of the Brotherhood deciding for all affairs concerning the Brotherhood, and according to the constitution it shall not come within the scope of any other body.
Article 35
Prior to the commencement of any General Meeting, the members of the Brotherhood shall elect the President, Vice-President and secretary of the meeting.
- The president shall direct discussion and maintain order.
- The Vice-President shall assist the president in his functions.
- The secretary shall keep the minutes, which after being signed by the chairpersons shall be handed over to the Committee of Management within fifteen (15) days.
Article 36
The Annual General Meeting of the Brotherhood shall be held in September each calendar year.
- Reading and confirmation of minutes of the last preceding General Meeting.
- Discussion and confirmation by the members of business carried out by the Committee of Management, and Auditors’ Report for the last preceding financial year.
- Approval or rejection of budgetary projections for the new financial year.
- Every second Annual General Meeting a five (5) member Committee of Supervision shall be nominated consisting of ordinary members of the Brotherhood, which shall undertake to conduct elections to replace the previous Committee of Management.
- Discussion of any item submitted in accordance with Article forty (40) of this constitution.
Article 37
The Committee of Management may convene an extraordinary General Meeting for all necessary and vital matters relating to the Brotherhood.
The Committee of Management shall also, on the requisition in writing of at least one fourth (1/4) of the ordinary members of the Brotherhood who appear on the register and have paid their dues, convene an extraordinary General Meeting. The requisition shall state the grounds for convening an extraordinary General Meeting and also the items to be discussed. The Committee of Management shall, within thirty (30) days from the date on which the requisition is made, convene an extraordinary General Meeting.
Where the Committee of Management refuses to convene an extraordinary meeting, the members may proceed to convene an extraordinary General Meeting to discuss the matters of concern to them and proceed to make valid resolutions provided that a quorum is present in accordance with Article thirty-nine (39) of this constitution.
Article 38
Notices calling for General Meetings shall state the place, date, time and the agenda and be announced in the Hellenic press or on radio. The secretary shall, fifteen (15) days before the date fixed for holding the meeting, send notice to the members.
Article 39
A quorum for a General Meeting is deemed to be present when one fourth (1/4) of the members of the Brotherhood eligible to vote are present.
In the case where a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be adjourned by the president for at most one (1) hour the latest after the appointed time. If a quorum is still not present the General Meeting shall stand adjourned to the same day and time in the following week or the week after that, taking care to inform members by announcing it in the Hellenic press and on the radio. At the adjourned meeting a quorum shall be deemed to be present when at least ten percent (10%) of ordinary members are present. In this case the meeting shall be valid.
Article 40
At General Meetings no matter may be discussed unless first stated on the agenda.
Matters or proposals may be discussed when they are submitted to the Committee of Management eight (8) days prior to the meeting.
After all items on the agenda have been discussed, and provided that there is time available, other matters may be discussed if approved by the General Meeting.
Article 41
Resolutions passed by the General Meeting shall be in force when taken by the majority of members of the Brotherhood who are present and eligible to vote.
Voting shall be carried out by a show of hands, except in cases of allegations against a person which shall be carried out by a secret ballot. Members not present cannot vote either by post or proxy.
Article 42
Members may pay their annual subscription on the same day before the commencement of the meeting.
Article 43
The minutes of the General Meetings shall state the number of members present, resolutions passed, and shall be signed by the persons chairing the General Meeting.
Article 44
At General Meetings, members may ask questions and discuss items stated on the agenda. No one may speak without permission and the length of the speech of each speaker shall be determined by the chairperson. To maintain order, members shall take the floor in succession.
Once permitted to speak, they may discuss, criticise, and oppose views through the chair and in an appropriate manner.
No misconduct or personal matters shall be allowed. If a member violates the above provisions for a second time the chairperson shall have the right to revoke the member’s right to speak.
Article 45
Every second Annual General Meeting of ordinary members, the members of the Brotherhood shall nominate a five (5) member Committee of Supervision consisting of ordinary members eligible to vote.
Members who are interested to be nominated to the Committee of Management cannot be in the Committee of Supervision.
The Committee of Supervision shall undertake to conduct elections to elect new members to the Committee, according to the register of ordinary members of the Brotherhood, which shall be provided by the secretary of the Brotherhood.
Article 46
The elections shall be carried out on the fourth or, the latest, fifth Sunday after the General Meeting from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The members shall be notified by an announcement to the Hellenic press or radio at least two (2) weeks before the date set for elections.
Article 47
In order that a member be included on the list of candidates for the new Committee of Management, the member concerned shall fill in the appropriate application form which shall be lodged with the secretary of the Committee of Supervision, accompanied by an entry fee of twenty dollars ($20.00), at least fourteen (14) days before the election date. The fee may be readjusted by the General Meeting of the Brotherhood, whenever it deems fit.
Article 48
The Committee of Supervision is responsible for:
- Preparing the list of candidates.
- Issuing ballot papers.
- Publishing the names of candidates in the Hellenic press.
Article 49
The members of the Committee of Management shall be elected with printed ballot papers on which the names of all candidates shall be listed in alphabetical order.
Every member eligible to vote shall place from one (1) to five (5) crosses in front of the names of candidates for election to the new Committee of Management.
Article 50
At least fourteen (14) days before the election date, the secretary of the Brotherhood shall hand over to the president of the Committee of Supervision the following:
- The register of ordinary members of the Brotherhood, showing both the members who have paid their annual subscription and those who have not.
- Election material such as: additional lists for scrutinising votes, a ballot box and a copy of the constitution of the Brotherhood.
- The common seal of the Brotherhood shall be handed over on the eve of the elections.
Article 51
On the election date the Committee of Supervision shall:
- Oversee the conduct of the elections.
- Give out ballot papers to those eligible to vote on the basis of the register obtained from the secretary of the Brotherhood.
- The ballot papers shall bear the common seal of the Brotherhood and the initials of the president and secretary of the Committee of Supervision.
- Immediately upon completion of voting, the Committee of Supervision shall proceed to open the ballot box and count the votes.
- Reject and void ballot papers. Ballot papers that bear more than five (5) crosses shall be deemed void.
Article 52
Fifteen (15) of the candidates who receive the greatest number of votes shall be nominated by the Committee of Supervision to become members of the new Committee of Management. The remaining number of candidates shall be considered to be runners-up in order of number of votes.
The Committee of Supervision shall make known the results of the elections in the Hellenic press, and notify them in writing to the president of the outgoing Committee of Management.
Article 53
In the case of an equal division of votes, the Committee of Supervision shall carry out a draw in the presence of the parties concerned.
Article 54
In case where the number of candidates nominated for the new Committee of Management is equal to the number of the Committee of Management members, the candidates shall be deemed to be the new Committee of Management without the need for elections to be held.
Article 55
If the number of candidates nominated for the new Committee of Management is less than the number of members required for the Committee of Management, though not less than ten (10), the new Committee of Management shall be completed by ordinary financial members of the Brotherhood.
Article 56
For the period of time between the General Meeting and the election of the new Committee of Management, the old Committee of Management remains in office.
Article 57
Any appeal against the results or any other matter that bears a relation to the elections should be submitted to the Committee of Supervision within a period of one (1) week from the election date.
The Committee of Supervision shall be obliged to proceed to a recounting of votes to confirm or rectify the election results.
Article 58
Eight (8) days after the elections and provided that no appeal has been lodged, the president of the Committee of Supervision shall send out a notice calling a meeting within three (3) days, of the president and members of the old Committee of Management and the members elected to the new Committee of Management.
The President of the Committee of Supervision shall request from the members elected to select the office bearers of the Committee of Management by secret balloting provided that a majority is present. If a majority is not present, the president of the Committee of Supervision shall set a new date for a meeting the week after at which the new members shall elect the office bearers.
In the case of an equal division of votes for a second time, a draw shall be conducted.
The president of the Committee of Supervision shall call upon the president and members of the old Committee of Management to hand over to the new Committee of Management anything belonging to the Brotherhood according to protocol.
The Committee of Supervision shall hand over the ballot box, common seal, copy of the constitution, registers, ballot papers and all Brotherhood property to the new Committee of Management.
The deed shall be issued in duplicate, one copy for the outgoing president the other for the records of the Brotherhood and both copies shall be signed by the officers of both Committees of Management, and the president and secretary of the Committee of Supervision.
Article 59
When a member holds a position of office such as President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer in a committee of another Laconian Association the member shall not be entitled to be an office bearer in the Committee of Management of the Brotherhood.
Article 60
The common seal of the Brotherhood shall have a circular shape and shall have in the middle the figure of Leonidas the Spartan, with the phrase “ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ” and around the words “Pallaconian Brotherhood of Melbourne and Victoria – Leonidas” in the Hellenic and English languages and the year of establishment 1961.
Article 61
The Brotherhood shall not be involved in political or party matters nor shall cooperate with organisations pursuing political or party goals and more generally any anti-Hellenic aims.
The Brotherhood ought to respect and comply with the laws and constitution of this country.
Article 62
Interpretation of provisions in this constitution shall come within the province of the annual or extraordinary General Meetings. The Committee of Management shall interpret the constitution in a responsible manner until a General Meeting is convened.
Article 63
Any matter not provided for by this constitution shall be determined by a resolution of members in annual or extraordinary General Meeting. The resolution shall be recorded in the minutes book and shall be in force as long as this constitution.
For such a resolution to be valid a majority of ordinary members shall be required. The members should be informed regarding the amendment twenty-one (21) days before the General Meeting is held.
Article 64
This constitution shall be in force as it stands. It may however be amended in accordance with the provisions in Article sixty-three (63).
The first two articles, Article one (1) and Article two (2), of this constitution and this article, Article sixty-four (64), shall be deemed to be fundamental and shall remain unchanged and irrevocable.
Article 65
When the Brotherhood acquires its own social club, any illegal or gambling games shall be strictly prohibited on the premises. No person or organisation may use the name of the Brotherhood for personal purposes.
Article 66
The General Meeting of members if need arises shall have the right to nominate a five (5) member Committee of Supervision consisting of ordinary members to consider and look into any matter referred to it. The Committee of Supervision shall present its findings to the next General Meeting, which shall make the final decision.
Article 67
Every member shall be eligible to be in the Committee of Management not more than three terms in succession. The member may be re-elected after one term shall have lapsed.
Article 68
The Pallaconian Brotherhood shall be dissolved if:
- It deviates from the objectives for which it was established.
- The number of ordinary members is reduced to less than fifty (50), in which case the Brotherhood ceases to serve the objectives for which it was established.
Article 69
If the Brotherhood shall be dissolved, liquidation shall be effected by a special committee appointed by the General Meeting. The committee, once all debts incurred by the Brotherhood are paid, shall proceed after a lapse of three (3) years to the distribution of the Brotherhood property as follows:
- One third (1/3) to the Hellenic nursing homes of Melbourne.
- One third (1/3) to the Melbourne Royal Children’s Hospital.
- One third (1/3) to the House of Incurables in Sparta.
Article 70
The Pallaconian Brotherhood shall represent all Laconians living in Melbourne and the State of Victoria to the national, church and Australian authorities.
Article 71
The Pallaconian Brotherhood shall consider, inquire into and decide on matters of Pallaconian character. The Brotherhood shall recognise all properly and lawfully established Laconian Organisations and shall support their efforts and activities provided that their objectives shall not be contrary to those of the Brotherhood.
Article 72
The Committee of Management from time to time may invite representatives of the Committee of Managements of Laconian Associations or Organisations to discuss matters of Pallaconian character and jointly reach decisions that must be respected by all.
Article 73
The Pallaconian Brotherhood shall not be involved in the internal affairs of the other Laconian Associations except if requested. Only then the Committee of Management may partake in discussions but always assuming an advisory position.
Article 74
For the objectives of the Brotherhood to be achieved, it shall be necessary to establish various constituent parts.
For the establishment of a constituent part, a recommendation in writing to the Committee of Management shall be required. Once considered by the Committee of Management it should be presented for resolution to the next General Meeting of members.
Article 75
Each constituent part of the Brotherhood shall be administered by its own Committee of Management, which shall be elected in accordance with the relevant provisions in this constitution by the ordinary members of the constituent part concerned.
Article 76
- Every president of a constituent part upon assuming their official duties ought to attend the meetings of the Committee of Management of the Brotherhood and participate in discussions.
- Presidents of constituent parts of the Brotherhood should inform and cooperate with the Committee of Management with regard to their activities.
- Office bearers of constituent parts as regards their duties should comply with the corresponding articles of the provisions of the constitution of the Brotherhood.
Article 77
- Constituent parts should comply with the Committee of Management decisions and resolutions of General Meetings of the Brotherhood.
- Every constituent part shall have a special “Regulations Sheet” governing its operation on points not specified by the constitution of the Brotherhood.
- The “Regulations Sheet” shall be compiled by a special committee consisting of members of the Committee of Management and of the relevant constituent part. In order to be valid it should be approved by the General Meeting of the constituent part and ratified by the General Meeting of the Brotherhood.
Article 78
The Committee of Management of the Brotherhood shall appoint one of its members to every constituent part who ought to attend the meetings of the Committee of Management and General Meeting of the constituent part and keep the Committee of Management of the Brotherhood informed.
Article 79
- Every constituent part shall keep a bank account. Income from various sources must be deposited into the account within forty-eight (48) hours.
When the amount exceeds one thousand dollars ($1000.00) the surplus amount shall be transferred to the account of the Brotherhood by deed signed by the presidents and treasurers of the Committee of Managements. The specified amount shall be readjusted by the General Meeting of the Brotherhood.
- For withdrawals of any sums of money from the bank account of a constituent part, the signature of the treasurer of the Brotherhood shall be required.
Article 80
In case the Committee of Management of a constituent part shall depart from the objectives of the Brotherhood
the General Meeting of the Brotherhood shall have the right to dismiss it and shall convene a meeting of members of the constituent part in order to elect a new Committee of Management.
Article 81
In the case where the General Meeting of the Brotherhood decides the cancellation of a constituent part any assets of the constituent part shall be transferred to the Brotherhood.
Translation from the Hellenic Language version proofed by George K. Tsigounis.
Content Copyright © 1989, 1997, Pallaconian Brotherhood.
Layout & Design Copyright © 1997, GKT Productions. All Rights Reserved. Issue 1.1, Printed November 1997.